Explore — AV Media Heroes

Graphic house scheme drawing with smart home elements.


Com­plete mul­ti­me­dia solu­tions from a sin­gle source! Our focus is on for­ward-look­ing tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions that enable effi­cient work. Result ori­en­ta­tion, high­est cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and suc­cess­ful projects. more
Graphical schematic drawing for smart buildings.


Our goal is to be the most inno­v­a­tive, com­mit­ted and sus­tain­able sys­tem ser­vice provider in the mar­ket for our cus­tomers — nation­al­ly and in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land!more

Stethoscope lies on a keyboard. A cropped image.


The AVMEDIA HEROES are unre­served­ly com­mit­ted to law­ful con­duct and val­ue-ori­ent­ed cor­po­rate gov­er­nance for all con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ships and actions.more

An upward open hand with environment icons over illustrated network connections on green background.

Corporate Responsibility

We are com­mit­ted to the abo­li­tion of all forms of forced labor. We are com­mit­ted to the abo­li­tion of child labor. We sup­port and respect inter­na­tion­al human rights.more

The managing directors Florian Feil and Benedikt-Karpati of AV Media Heroes GmbH.

Heroes/ TEAM

CSO Flo­ri­an Feil:
Busi­ness devel­op­ment, sales and marketing.

CEO Benedikt Karpati:
Plan­ning and instal­la­tion of media tech­nol­o­gy.more

Young woman and young man in business attire in super hero posing.

Career for new heroes

We’re back at it again, in the now not-so-new field of hybrid events. And, sur­prise sur­prise, our order books are also well filled in the area of fixed instal­la­tion of IT and media tech­nol­o­gy.more


Do you have a ques­tion or a hint for us? Write us a mes­sage — we are hap­py to be there for you. Here you will find our loca­tion, phone num­ber and email address. Con­tact us here. more

Chart for the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. D-A-CH.


AV Media Heroes are cur­rent­ly main­ly active in these regions. In Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land. The abbre­vi­a­tion GSA is com­mon­ly used for the Eng­lish-lan­guage equiv­a­lent Ger­many, Switzer­land, Aus­tria. A more detailed descrip­tion is in progress.more

Explore the AV Media Heroes center of excellence.

Competence Center

Experts in ser­vice and first response.

AV Media Heroes offers cus­tomized ser­vice pack­ages for all your audio­vi­su­al per­for­mance require­ments and equip­ment main­te­nance and ser­vice needs.more

AV Media Heroes Logo.
International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) Logo.
HDV Hotel Directors Association Logo.
The logo of the hotel property working group.


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