Start­seite » Ser­vices » Financ­ing / Leasing

This is how you preserve your equity.

We sup­port you for your new acqui­si­tion of all media, IT and IP tech­nol­o­gy. AV Media Heroes GmbH has numer­ous financ­ing, leas­ing and pay­ment options for your bud­get-friend­ly pro­cure­ment. Even cred­it card pay­ments can be processed through us. Due to the con­stant­ly chang­ing mar­ket of con­fer­ence and media tech­nol­o­gy, there is a risk that your equip­ment and sys­tems no longer meet the lat­est stan­dards. If you want to avoid this, it is advis­able to lease or finance media tech­nol­o­gy, depend­ing on the work­load. Why cor­po­rate leas­ing through AV Media Heroes can pay off:

We support you with your new acquisition of all media, IT and IP technology.
Analysis graphics for corporate strategy on finance, operations, sales and marketing.

Financing / Leasing

This is how dig­i­tal works. Today.

  • They con­serve their equity.
  • They cre­ate the prod­uct that suits their
    need is met.
  • Your cred­it line at the bank remains unaffected.
  • You will have imme­di­ate tax advan­tages for income
    and trade tax.
  • Your leas­ing rates are con­sis­tent and transparent.
  • You imme­di­ate­ly have the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy at your disposal.
  • Costs can be claimed imme­di­ate­ly each month.

CAPEX (capital expenditure)
vs. OPEX (operating expenses)

Com­pared to pur­chas­ing media tech­nol­o­gy as part of your CAPEX strat­e­gy, which can involve cost-inten­sive amounts of cap­i­tal, financ­ing via your OPEX costs (leas­ing, long-term rental, financ­ing) can sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce your company’s liq­uid­i­ty and there­fore give you more free­dom for your projects.

Thus: No reduc­tion in the equi­ty ratio!
As the leased/rented prod­ucts remain the prop­er­ty of the provider, they do not lead to a reduc­tion in your company’s equi­ty ratio. This in turn always leads to a more pos­i­tive rat­ing with your banks.

The most obvi­ous rea­son for financ­ing via leas­ing and thus includ­ing it in your company’s OPEX costs is to replace your media equip­ment in the event of tech­no­log­i­cal changes. This keeps your tech­nol­o­gy “state of the art”, with the lat­est fea­tures and the lat­est updates in AV media technology.

With AV MEDIA HEROES you can han­dle your finan­cial pur­chas­es effi­cient­ly and cost-effectively.

Example image for digital financial technology on 2 small displays.
AV Media Heroes Logo.
International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) Logo.
HDV Hotel Directors Association Logo.
The logo of the hotel property working group.


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