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Plan­ning a con­fer­ence, dig­i­tal mem­ber­ship meet­ing or oth­er online event? AV Media Heroes sup­ports you in your project and offers you a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice from the con­cep­tion to the per­ma­nent instal­la­tion in your premis­es. A future-proof, inte­grat­ed livestream­ing sys­tem in your premises.

We have many years of expe­ri­ence in livestream­ing, web meet­ings and inte­grat­ed systems.

Possibilities of digital video conferencing. 2 director sets of hybrid conference moderation, video conference with 2 large screens in front of students and a doctor during a live operation Berlin/Munich.
Two people at PC terminals with quite a few large screens for hybrid events.

Digital video conferencing:

But since live events always involve a cer­tain degree of unpre­dictabil­i­ty, trust our Heroes Com­pe­tence Cen­ter to exe­cute your event flaw­less­ly and seam­less­ly — on demand. Also, your sys­tem should be seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed with the cur­rent­ly most pop­u­lar and geg. Their own con­fer­enc­ing plat­forms, such as Google Meet, WebEx, Zoom, and MS Teams, to name a few.

This requires an attuned and coor­di­nat­ed team, which is why we are your per­fect part­ner! We will be hap­py to advise you on your options in a non-bind­ing ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion. The fol­low­ing events are ide­al for livestream pro­duc­tions: dig­i­tal video con­fer­ences, con­ven­tions, sem­i­nars & work­shops, dig­i­tal trade shows, dig­i­tal mem­ber­ship meetings.

We stream your events live, record them for you or present your speak­ers live on a video wall at large events. And all this with state-of-the-art cam­era tech­nol­o­gy and a large pool of mate­r­i­al that you can access at any time.

The result is first-class footage that leaves a last­ing impres­sion on the viewer.

Empower your


Nectrol soundbar in modern designed hotel room with bright brick look.

Soundbar for hotels and smart homes.

In start­up mode, the Nec­trol Sound­bar plays indi­vid­ual music gen­res or announcements.

In sound­bar mode, it con­nects to the TV.

In music mode, it plays guests’ music, either via a wired con­nec­tion or Bluetooth.

In con­fer­ence mode, it trans­mits encrypt­ed audio live from the con­fer­ence or ban­quet hall.

The Emer­gen­cy­Mode enables the trans­mis­sion of live spo­ken or record­ed instructions.

The Nec­trol sound­bar can be insep­a­ra­ble from your furniture.

It is man­u­fac­tured in your brand­ed design and fin­ish and has numer­ous addi­tion­al fea­tures and upgrades.

Nectrol Soundbar

Baby mon­i­tor module

Baby­phone mode lis­tens into the room and trans­mits any sound your baby makes in encrypt­ed form to the Nec­trol lis­ten­er — and you can respond and soothe your baby through the sound­bar. The Nec­trol lis­ten­er is able to send pushup mes­sages to a smartphone.

WiFi mod­ule

The WiFi mod­ule turns the Nec­trol Sound­bar into a WiFi repeater access point. You can use it to con­nect only the Nec­trol prod­ucts — or to equip your whole house with per­fect and pow­er­ful WiFi coverage.

Nectrol soundbar in molded brick design and wood trim.


Hand in hand

our plan­ners and engi­neers work with hand-picked net­work part­ners on mechan­i­cal, mecha­tron­ic and elec­tron­ic solu­tions for your appli­ca­tion and prod­uct ideas. This means that series devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion are already tak­en into account dur­ing the design phase.


Through spe­cial­ized devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion part­ners at home and abroad, we sup­ply indi­vid­ual com­po­nents or real­ize the cre­at­ed prod­ucts as OEM or white label in small and large quan­ti­ties. To this end, we meet both the tech­ni­cal and admin­is­tra­tive chal­lenges of prod­uct real­iza­tion with exten­sive expe­ri­ence and the high­est stan­dards for doc­u­men­ta­tion and qual­i­ty assurance.

Modern media office furniture and communication steles in public spaces.

Exam­ples of appli­ca­tion and prod­uct ideas: Baby mon­i­tors for the hotel indus­try (audio, video, net­work-capa­ble), smart design media fur­ni­ture, video ste­les for dig­i­tal sig­nage and LTE anten­nas for out­door use at events.

Smart furniture


In close coop­er­a­tion with select­ed design­ers and car­pen­ters, we pro­duce high-qual­i­ty cus­tomized media fur­ni­ture for you. We devel­op prod­ucts and ser­vices for our part­ners that users love. With our user-cen­tric approach, we gen­er­ate a deep under­stand­ing of your needs and cre­ate user expe­ri­ences with engag­ing designs


Rep­re­sen­ta­tive con­fer­ence tables and con­fer­ence chairs in exclu­sive design pro­vide the right WOW effect. Con­fer­ence tables for con­cen­tra­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and smart inte­gra­tion of media tech­nol­o­gy. Real­iz­able in many frame and pan­el vari­ants, one-piece or mul­ti-piece, round or oval, elec­tri­cal­ly height-adjustable or fixed height with cable flap or slid­ing pan­el as well as pro­fes­sion­al and com­pre­hen­sive media integration.


Inte­grat­ed media tech­nol­o­gy can be imple­ment­ed indi­vid­u­al­ly — pow­er, data, image and sound infra­struc­ture can be inte­grat­ed almost invis­i­bly into exist­ing as well as new con­fer­ence and meet­ing tables. Mul­ti­me­dia walls with flat screens as well as tech­nol­o­gy for audio and video tele­pho­ny can be inte­grat­ed just as effort­less­ly into your premis­es and, in some cas­es, into your furniture.

A desk with a clever push of
a button.

Elec­tri­cal­ly height-adjustable desks have become an indis­pens­able part of mod­ern offices and have also found their way into many pri­vate offices.

How­ev­er, the spe­cial fea­ture only begins with the table box inte­grat­ed into the table­top, which hous­es the elec­tri­cal connections.

The height adjust­ment is done via the smart but­ton. Alter­na­tive­ly, the height can also be adjust­ed with the cor­re­spond­ing app for the smartphone.

Modern office space with designed media furniture and 2 large displays on one wall.

For Work. for Life. For new dig­i­tal Worlds.

AV Media Heroes Logo.
International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) Logo.
HDV Hotel Directors Association Logo.
The logo of the hotel property working group.


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