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SE Audiotechnik



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An explosion of color on a black background with 4 speakers and an amplifier from SE-Audiotechnik's I-Line.
Explosion of color on a black background with speakers from SE-Audiotechnik's I-Line. IC 32 and IC 34.


is a man­u­fac­tur­er that offers com­pact and pow­er­ful audio sys­tems for pro­fes­sion­al users. It com­bines Ger­man engi­neer­ing with Chi­nese care and pro­duc­tion effi­cien­cy as well as Ger­man qual­i­ty control.

SE AUDIOTECHNIK prides itself on offer­ing prod­ucts that are always plug and play for a quick return on investment.
To ensure that your mes­sage reach­es the per­son you are talk­ing to and is as clear and under­stand­able as pos­si­ble, it is best to speak to them direct­ly. The I‑Line from SE Audiotech­nik also fol­lows this principle.

IC 32 & IC 34 by SE Audiotechnik

  • Excel­lent speech intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty due to excel­lent directivity.
  • Extreme­ly com­pact, yet amaz­ing­ly powerful.
  • Pleas­ant and trans­par­ent sound image, audi­ble even over long distances.
  • Mod­u­lar sys­tem for adap­ta­tion to dif­fer­ent struc­tur­al and acoustic requirements.
  • A cus­tom sub­woofer is avail­able for bal­anced music reproductio.
  • Decent, time­less design and functionality.
Explosion of color on a black background with speakers from SE-Audiotechnik's I-Line.

The speak­ers have a strong direc­tion­al pat­tern designed for max­i­mum speech intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty.
Wide hor­i­zon­tal dis­per­sion angles cov­er a large area, while nar­row ver­ti­cal dis­per­sion angles avoid unwant­ed reflec­tions from the floor and ceil­ing. The over­all sound expe­ri­ence is bal­anced and pleas­ant, ensur­ing the best pos­si­ble speech intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty even in com­pli­cat­ed acoustic conditions.

Three indi­vid­u­al­ly designed col­umn speak­ers with 2, 4 or 8 chas­sis and a spe­cial­ly tuned sub­woofer, as well as two pow­er­ful cus­tom ampli­fiers with DSP proces­sor and cor­re­spond­ing con­nec­tion acces­sories ensure max­i­mum set-up flexibility.

Depend­ing on the room size and lay­out, the flex­i­ble mod­u­lar sys­tem offers the opti­mum com­po­nents for every situation.
The var­i­ous ele­ments of the I‑Line offer the right solu­tion for every acoustic require­ment — whether for con­fer­ence or sales rooms, church­es, halls, bou­tiques, cafés, clubs or bars. Crys­tal-clear, pleas­ant speech intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty and dis­creet back­ground sound can be eas­i­ly achieved.

In com­bi­na­tion with the opti­mal­ly tuned sub­woofer, an I‑Line sys­tem ensures bal­anced music repro­duc­tion. The direc­tion­al char­ac­ter­is­tic of the col­umn speak­ers enables clear speech repro­duc­tion even in dif­fi­cult struc­tur­al conditions.

Outstanding sound.






Color explosions on a black background with 3 speakers and 1 amplifier from SE-Audiotechnik's I-Line.

The I‑Line sys­tem allows the audi­ence to eas­i­ly rec­og­nize the musi­cal ele­ments, with­out hav­ing to lis­ten too closely.

You want to enjoy SE AUDIOTECHNIK yourself?

Make an appoint­ment with one of our account man­agers right now.

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