
Fixed installation with Crestron.

Building automation at the highest level.

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Fixed installation with Crestron
directly from Munich.

Whether media tech­nol­o­gy, net­work and inter­net or build­ing automa­tion, Cre­stron offers tech­nol­o­gy at the high­est lev­el. We are a Cre­stron part­ner in south­ern Ger­many. For the DACH region we can offer you con­cep­tion, plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion from com­pe­tent and qual­i­fied hands.

Fixed instal­la­tions with Cre­stron are one of our spe­cial­ties and become a com­plete project suc­cess with AV Media — Heroes.

Our spe­cial com­pe­ten­cies for media tech­nol­o­gy and net­work­ing can also be pre­sent­ed to you in our show­room at the Isar­tor in Munich.





Highest quality.

Modern living room with Bauhaus chairs. With exposed brick wall and large screen on the wall.

The Cre­stron oper­at­ing con­cept con­vinces with its mod­ern design and intu­itive oper­a­tion. With the help of Cre­stron prod­ucts, we equip your con­fer­ence cen­ter with all the ben­e­fits of the dig­i­tal age.
Dig­i­tal plan­ning with occu­pan­cy overview in the con­fer­ence room and sen­si­ble, mod­ern media technology.

Modern living room with wood paneling and two couples. In a large alcove 2 large displays. Fixed installation with Crestron audio and video transmission.
Logo AV Media Heroes.

AV Media Heroes — We will make you a mod­ern player!


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