AV Media — Company
The Mission
We are a partner-led service company in the field of fixed media technology installations, unified collaboration and conferencing. Enormous expertise, technical know-how and the innovative solution competence of our heroes are our success factor.
Complete multimedia solutions from a single source! Our focus is on forward-looking technology solutions that enable efficient working. Profitable growth and social responsibility as well as a culture of humanity in contact with our customers — this is what drives us.
It is a matter of course for us and our dedicated companies that all HEROES leave their projects tidy, swept clean and exactly as planned.
We hand over our work in perfect condition. This applies to workmanship, cleanliness and function.
Focus on results, maximum customer satisfaction and successful projects.
This is how digital works. Today.
The Vision
Our aim is to be the most innovative, committed and sustainable system service provider on the market for our customers — nationally and in Germany, Austria and Switzerland!
We invest sustainably and continuously in quality, knowledge, innovation and in our Heroes and their skills.
Our Heroes and our Heroes Competence Center ensure that we deliver the highest quality workmanship and services at competitive prices.
Our principles/our code
is based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Code of Conduct of the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics.
Our Code of Conduct
for Business Partners contains the most important principles for legally correct, honest and responsible conduct.
AVMEDIA HEROES always apply these principles when working with business partners and regard them as an essential basis for a partnership.
The AVMEDIA HEROES are fully committed to lawful conduct and value-oriented corporate governance for all contractual relationships and actions with and towards their business partners.
They undertake to comply with the principles of the Business Partner Code themselves and expect the same from their business partners.
As a business partner, you first take note of the Business Partner Code and recognize the principles contained therein. If you enter into a business relationship with AVMEDIA HEROES GmbH, this may result in contractual obligations.
For details, please refer to the further process steps, such as registration in our supplier portal or in any tendering process for suppliers.
For Work. for Life.
For new digital Worlds.
Corporate Responsibility
Ecological and economic sustainability,
Social justice.
- We are committed to the abolition of all forms of forced labour.
- We are committed to the abolition of child labour.
- We support and respect international human rights.
- We ensure that our company is not involved in human rights violations.
- We uphold the freedom of association.
- We are committed to the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.
- We support the precautionary approach in dealing with environmental problems.
- As part of our business activities, we take steps to promote a more responsible approach to the environment.
- We promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
- We stand up against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.