AV Media — Company

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The Mission

We are a part­ner-led ser­vice com­pa­ny in the field of fixed media tech­nol­o­gy instal­la­tions, uni­fied col­lab­o­ra­tion and con­fer­enc­ing. Enor­mous exper­tise, tech­ni­cal know-how and the inno­v­a­tive solu­tion com­pe­tence of our heroes are our suc­cess factor.

Com­plete mul­ti­me­dia solu­tions from a sin­gle source! Our focus is on for­ward-look­ing tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions that enable effi­cient work­ing. Prof­itable growth and social respon­si­bil­i­ty as well as a cul­ture of human­i­ty in con­tact with our cus­tomers — this is what dri­ves us.

Grafische Hausschemazeichnung in 3D mit Smart Home Elementen.

It is a mat­ter of course for us and our ded­i­cat­ed com­pa­nies that all HEROES leave their projects tidy, swept clean and exact­ly as planned.

We hand over our work in per­fect con­di­tion. This applies to work­man­ship, clean­li­ness and function.

Focus on results, max­i­mum cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and suc­cess­ful projects.


This is how digital works. Today.

The Vision

Graphical schematic drawing for smart buildings.

Our aim is to be the most inno­v­a­tive, com­mit­ted and sus­tain­able sys­tem ser­vice provider on the mar­ket for our cus­tomers — nation­al­ly and in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland!

We invest sus­tain­ably and con­tin­u­ous­ly in qual­i­ty, knowl­edge, inno­va­tion and in our Heroes and their skills.

Our Heroes and our Heroes Com­pe­tence Cen­ter ensure that we deliv­er the high­est qual­i­ty work­man­ship and ser­vices at com­pet­i­tive prices.


Our principles/our code
is based on the ten prin­ci­ples of the Unit­ed Nations Glob­al Com­pact, the core labor stan­dards of the Inter­na­tion­al Labor Orga­ni­za­tion (ILO), the Unit­ed Nations Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Code of Con­duct of the Ger­man Asso­ci­a­tion of Mate­ri­als Man­age­ment, Pur­chas­ing and Logistics.

Our Code of Con­duct
for Busi­ness Part­ners con­tains the most impor­tant prin­ci­ples for legal­ly cor­rect, hon­est and respon­si­ble conduct.

AVMEDIA HEROES always apply these prin­ci­ples when work­ing with busi­ness part­ners and regard them as an essen­tial basis for a partnership.

The AVMEDIA HEROES are ful­ly com­mit­ted to law­ful con­duct and val­ue-ori­ent­ed cor­po­rate gov­er­nance for all con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ships and actions with and towards their busi­ness partners.
They under­take to com­ply with the prin­ci­ples of the Busi­ness Part­ner Code them­selves and expect the same from their busi­ness partners.

As a busi­ness part­ner, you first take note of the Busi­ness Part­ner Code and rec­og­nize the prin­ci­ples con­tained there­in. If you enter into a busi­ness rela­tion­ship with AVMEDIA HEROES GmbH, this may result in con­trac­tu­al obligations.

For details, please refer to the fur­ther process steps, such as reg­is­tra­tion in our sup­pli­er por­tal or in any ten­der­ing process for suppliers.

Ein Stethoskop liegt auf einer Tastatur. For Work. for Life. For new digital Worlds.

For Work. for Life.
For new digital Worlds.

Corporate Responsibility

Ecological and economic sustainability,
Social justice.


  • We are com­mit­ted to the abo­li­tion of all forms of forced labour.
  • We are com­mit­ted to the abo­li­tion of child labour.
  • We sup­port and respect inter­na­tion­al human rights.
  • We ensure that our com­pa­ny is not involved in human rights violations.
  • We uphold the free­dom of association.
  • We are com­mit­ted to the elim­i­na­tion of dis­crim­i­na­tion in employ­ment and occupation.
  • We sup­port the pre­cau­tion­ary approach in deal­ing with envi­ron­men­tal problems.
  • As part of our busi­ness activ­i­ties, we take steps to pro­mote a more respon­si­ble approach to the environment.
  • We pro­mote the devel­op­ment and dis­sem­i­na­tion of envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly technologies.
  • We stand up against all forms of cor­rup­tion, includ­ing extor­tion and bribery.
An upward open hand with environment icons over illustrated network connections on green background.


AV Media Heroes Logo.
International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) Logo.
HDV Hotel Directors Association Logo.
The logo of the hotel property working group.


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