IP Network & Infrastructure

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Com­put­er-based solu­tions sup­port and opti­mize human work input, in increas­ing­ly com­plex tasks. It is impor­tant that the oper­a­tion of a cor­po­rate struc­ture always con­tin­ues smooth­ly — In this con­text, fac­tors such as secu­ri­ty, max­i­mum avail­abil­i­ty, vir­tu­al­iza­tion and cost effi­cien­cy are also indis­pens­able for the future.

Open-plan office with visually displayed networking of office technology.
Blue example image for Internet of Things/IOT, 100% Digital and Cloud technology.

IT team and management:

Few areas of IT are as mis­sion-crit­i­cal as a secure, high-per­for­mance and, above all, func­tion­ing net­work. But the demands on net­work tech­nol­o­gy are increas­ing: More and more busi­ness process­es are run­ning dig­i­tal­ly, resource-inten­sive appli­ca­tions and ser­vices or cloud solu­tions are putting fur­ther strain on the net­work and increas­ing com­plex­i­ty — while IT bud­gets are most­ly stag­nat­ing or even decreas­ing. The IT team is also more chal­lenged in man­ag­ing and con­trol­ling the net­works. Once the appro­pri­ate automa­tion has been suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed and estab­lished, this means that you have iden­ti­fied a cost- and resource-sav­ing solu­tion for your com­pa­ny. The goal is to oper­ate even large net­work infra­struc­tures with less and less effort, to reduce error rates and to auto­mate recur­ring tasks. LAN and WLAN infra­struc­ture, net­work provider man­age­ment, bridges and load bal­anc­ing, LTE/DSL, redun­dan­cy, V‑LAN encap­su­la­tion, microwave links and dig­i­tal infrastructures.

Relieve man­u­al tasks by pro­vi­sion­ing net­work resources and automat­ing configuration.
High­er secu­ri­ty and avail­abil­i­ty of the net­work by reduc­ing the error rate.
Cen­tral man­age­ment of the net­work via a uni­form set of rules.

Eas­i­ly dis­trib­ute a change across many devices.
Archiv­ing the con­fig­u­ra­tions of net­work devices.



A friendly young woman is on the phone, sitting in front of screens in an open-plan office.

Cloud telephony
– The digital telephone system.


The hard­ware avail­able today is ide­al­ly equipped for dig­i­tal tele­pho­ny. Today’s tele­phone sys­tem does not require any addi­tion­al hard­ware. Make phone calls from any device con­nect­ed to the Inter­net. Set­ting up and man­ag­ing a cloud phone sys­tem is pos­si­ble with­out a large cost invest­ment. It is scal­able to any size and its fea­ture set is unmatched.

With cloud tele­pho­ny, you are always con­nect­ed, wher­ev­er you are. From now on, you car­ry the com­pa­ny con­nec­tion in your pock­et at all times. Whether smart­phone, tablet, PC or desk­top phone. We install your dig­i­tal phone cloud cen­tral­ly on your own serv­er at your loca­tion, of course. Your data remains only in your com­pa­ny with­out any prob­lems. For effi­cient work in the office, at the recep­tion desk or even in the home office, con­ven­tion­al desk tele­phones or good head­sets on the PC are still the ide­al solu­tion. Light­weight Blue­tooth in-ear phones for mobile use are the stan­dard of the future.

Comparison of digital telephone system with classic telephone system.

Für die Arbeit. Für das Leben.
Für neue digitale Welten.

Logo AV Media Heroes.

AV Media Heroes — We will make you a mod­ern player!


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