Branches / Success Stories

Nectrol soundbar in modern designed hotel room with bright brick look.

Special constructions

One of our spe­cials is the Nec­trol sound­bar for hotels and smart homes with many pop­u­lar fea­tures. Anoth­er is a state-of-the-art out­door LTE anten­na for stream­ing and sim­i­lar appli­ca­tions. more

Front view and schematic drawing - Radisson Hotel.


We devel­op smart solu­tions that pro­vide you with intel­li­gent tech­nolo­gies and sus­tain­ably increase com­fort, qual­i­ty, health, safe­ty and eco­nom­ic effi­cien­cy.more

Jost Hurler Real Estate.


Cor­po­rate AV: Media tech­nol­o­gy mod­er­ates when the idea meets the deci­sion. AVMH’s media tech­nol­o­gy is tai­lored to this — in scope, com­plex­i­ty and design.more

Modern conference room with seating, large screens and smart media technology.

Showroom Munich

Use our show­room free of charge. It is avail­able as a dig­i­tal con­fer­ence room for your next con­fer­ence or meet­ing by appoint­ment, one-time free of charge.more

Historic vehicles in the German Museum.


Dig­i­tal infor­ma­tion sys­tem, inter­ac­tive vis­i­tor area, and LED light­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Up-to-date media tech­nol­o­gy with mul­ti­me­dia and inno­v­a­tive offer­ings turns muse­ums into crowd pullers. The Deutsches Muse­um will open the first part of its ren­o­vat­ed exhi­bi­tions. more

Colorful Horeca Icon.


The abbre­vi­a­tion stands for HOtel/REstaurant/CAfé or HOtel/REstaurant/CAtering. If a prod­uct (e.g. min­er­al water in small glass bot­tles) is only sold in the cater­ing trade and not in the retail trade, it is called a “Hore­ca prod­uct”. more

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AV Media Heroes — We will make you a mod­ern player!


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