Start­seite » Explore » Career/Jobs

We’re start­ing again, in the no longer so new seg­ment of hybrid events. And, sur­prise, our order books are also well filled in the area of fixed instal­la­tion of IT and media tech­nol­o­gy.

We are looking for people who want to get a foothold in the hybrid media technology space!

Advanced basic knowl­edge of math­e­mat­ics, com­put­er sci­ence and gen­er­al IT and soft­ware pro­gram­ming should be available.

Our typ­i­cal plant traf­fic is Munich and the sur­round­ing area. How­ev­er, more dis­tant projects with overnight stays may come your way.

We are always and con­stant­ly look­ing for new sub­con­trac­tors / free­lancers who can take over one or the oth­er trade on some of our jobs in the greater Munich area.


▷ Lan­guage skills: Ger­man (manda­to­ry), Eng­lish (busi­ness flu­ent).
▷ Per­son­al strengths: Perceptiveness/ability, abil­i­ty to work under pres­sure, ini­tia­tive, abil­i­ty to work in a team, reli­a­bil­i­ty.
▷ Inter­mit­tent travel/assembly avail­abil­i­ty.
▷ Dri­ving licens­es: B (manda­to­ry), BE (desir­able).
▷ Required attach­ments: resume, references.

Apply now!

You can reach us ( Jes­si­ca Karpati | HR and Dis­po )
via tele­phone at +49 151 52 84 86 32,
via What­sapp at +49 151 40 12 09 43 and
via Mail:

Enor­mous exper­tise, tech­ni­cal know-how and the inno­v­a­tive solu­tion com­pe­tence of our Heroes are our suc­cess factors!

Jessica Karpati in business outfit.
AV Media Heroes Logo.
International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) Logo.
HDV Hotel Directors Association Logo.
The logo of the hotel property working group.


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