Domotics — Control
of building services

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DOMOTICS — control of building services,
Device management, room booking.

In addi­tion to pub­lic address and voice alarm, intel­li­gent con­trol of build­ing ser­vices is pos­si­ble. For exam­ple, with the touch of a fin­ger on the touch­pad, lights can be dimmed, blinds can be low­ered, and pre­sen­ta­tions can be dis­played in the per­fect set­ting. Fur­ther­more, an inte­gra­tion of the ven­ti­la­tion and heat­ing con­trol is con­ceiv­able. There are no tech­ni­cal lim­its to your ideas and visions. When win­dows are opened, for exam­ple, the heat­ing sys­tem could react to this and auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduce its heat­ing out­put. This reduces your con­sump­tion, saves you mon­ey and also pro­tects the envi­ron­ment. The com­plete build­ing ser­vices, such as light­ing, heat­ing, air con­di­tion­ing, shad­ing and secu­ri­ty can be oper­at­ed via the media con­trol. Move with the times, devel­op your build­ings fur­ther and let us cre­ate your Smart Building.

A woman controls the building technology on a display on the inside wall of a house.
A man symbolically controls icons for media technologies in a blue image on a tablet.

Media control

Media con­trol not only sim­pli­fies the oper­a­tion of AV and build­ing tech­nol­o­gy, it also enables inte­gra­tion with your exist­ing IT infra­struc­ture, pro­mot­ing ener­gy and cost effi­cien­cy through:

Con­fer­ence room control
Cen­tral man­age­ment of your build­ing tech­nol­o­gy via Ethernet
Remote con­trol of the devices
Record your net­work activities
Real-time mon­i­tor­ing and bur­glary and theft protection
Auto­mat­ic shut­down of the tech­nol­o­gy can be inte­grat­ed. Your con­fer­ence rooms can be man­aged and booked with soft­ware. Elec­tron­ic door signs and infor­ma­tion dis­plays show occu­pan­cy status.

Room mon­i­tor­ing and book­ing soft­ware from Cre­stron. All desired room and device prop­er­ties, such as lamp hours, main­te­nance sta­tus, ser­vice con­tracts, tem­per­a­ture, occu­pan­cy, room mon­i­tor­ing, etc., can be dis­played by the media con­trol sys­tem, giv­ing your faciltiy man­age­ment a quick overview and effi­cient device management.


Smart home tech­nol­o­gy that is con­nect­ed to the Inter­net also pro­vide us with the ben­e­fits of increased secu­ri­ty, increased com­fort, ener­gy sav­ings, and of course, aes­thet­ic improve­ment in the form of more min­i­mal­ist design options in inte­ri­or design.

Robot­ics and automa­tion are cur­rent top­ics in the fields of archi­tec­ture as well as specif­i­cal­ly in inte­ri­or design. Home automa­tion is known as smart home and domotics, and today’s “smart” tech­nol­o­gy includes every­thing from light­ing and cli­mate con­trol to house­hold appli­ances and home enter­tain­ment sys­tems. The incor­po­ra­tion of domotics into our inte­ri­or design has increased dra­mat­i­cal­ly in recent years.


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