Specials / special constructions

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AV Media Technology Digital Signage

Cur­rent dig­i­tal sig­nage solu­tions are net­worked audio­vi­su­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems. The con­tent is com­piled either pro­gram­mat­i­cal­ly or man­u­al­ly. This is then dis­played on the dig­i­tal dis­play systems.

The areas of appli­ca­tion are diverse and range from dig­i­tal door signs, adver­tis­ing in stores to com­plex infor­ma­tion sys­tems incl. Wayfind­ing. All of this can be expand­ed with inter­ac­tive func­tions, such as touch oper­a­tion or ges­ture con­trol, if desired.

Use the lat­est dis­play tech­nol­o­gy in com­bi­na­tion with almost infi­nite infor­ma­tion. Pro­gram-con­trolled or man­u­al, every­thing is pos­si­ble. This paired with a mod­ern and appeal­ing design, if nec­es­sary with inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, offers you the pos­si­bil­i­ty to effec­tive­ly inform your tar­get audi­ence e.g. employ­ees, vis­i­tors, res­i­dents, cus­tomers etc.. No mat­ter if indoors or outdoors.

For cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion, wel­come sys­tems, vis­i­tor guid­ance sys­tems, in-store mar­ket­ing, info­point, room and event dis­plays, dig­i­tal door signs and menu or bar cards.


Digital signage. A man operates a modern communication pillar in the entrance area of a building.

Digital signage explained in brief.

Dig­i­tal sig­nage is defined as a remote­ly con­trolled dig­i­tal dis­play, usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with sales, adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing, or more gen­er­al­ly as a net­work of elec­tron­ic dis­plays that can be cen­tral­ly man­aged and cus­tomised to dis­play text, ani­ma­tion or video mes­sages (e.g. for adver­tis­ing, infor­ma­tion, enter­tain­ment, sales pro­mo­tion) to the desired audi­ence. Con­tent is dig­i­tal­ly pre­pared, tuned for work­flow, and/or audio­vi­su­al­ized. Sup­pli­ers of large screens and beam­ers, the providers of con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion tech­nol­o­gy call them­selves dig­i­tal sig­nage providers.

Dig­i­tal sig­nage can also be an infor­ma­tion tool per­son­al­ized to the respec­tive tar­get group, which loads data from the cloud or plays its cam­paigns in an inter­ac­tive way via a media play­er or USB stick.

Dig­i­tal sig­nage is thus net­worked audio-visu­al and dig­i­tized infor­ma­tion offer­ings whose con­tent can be import­ed or main­tained man­u­al­ly or auto­mat­i­cal­ly at any time via a program.

Our work­shop in Mam­men­dorf spe­cial­izes in all elec­tron­ic equip­ment for con­fer­ence, event and media tech­nol­o­gy. In con­junc­tion with the var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies and our trained Heroes, we offer you an excel­lent ser­vice around the main­te­nance and repair of your technology.

agile. smart. flexible

The soundbar for hotels and smart homes.

  • In start­up mode, the Nec­trol Sound­bar plays indi­vid­ual music gen­res or announcements.
  • In sound­bar mode, it con­nects to the TV.
  • In music mode, it plays guests’ music, either via a wired con­nec­tion or Bluetooth.
  • In con­fer­ence mode, it trans­mits encrypt­ed audio live from the con­fer­ence or ban­quet hall.
  • The 
    Emer­gency Mode
    ( Emer­gency Mode) enables the trans­mis­sion of live spo­ken or record­ed instructions.
  • The Nec­trol sound­bar can be insep­a­ra­bly com­bined with your furniture…
Nectrol soundbar in modern designed hotel room with bright brick look.

The Nectrol Soundbar

With baby mon­i­tor module 

Baby­phone mode lis­tens into the room and trans­mits any sound your baby makes in encrypt­ed form to the Nec­trol lis­ten­er — and you can respond and soothe your baby through the sound­bar. The Nec­trol lis­ten­er is able to send pushup mes­sages to a smartphone.

With WiFi module

The WiFi mod­ule turns the Nec­trol Sound­bar into a WiFi repeater access point. You can use it to con­nect only the Nec­trol prod­ucts — or to equip your whole house with per­fect and pow­er­ful WiFi coverage.

Nectrol soundbar in molded brick design and wood trim.
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